Friday, March 1, 2013

Eczema (atopic dermatitis) | Health and Medical Information

Eczema (atopic dermatitis)Atopic dermatitis is a chronic, itching, redness of the skin superficially.

It is often associated with a personal or family history of other problems associated with allergies, such as hay fever and asthma.

The exact cause is unknown, but there is strong evidence for a genetic predisposition.

Itching continues to feature.

Emotional stress, changes in temperature or humidity, bacterial skin infections, house dust mites, food and oil contact can also aggravate the condition.


It is a chronic, itchy inflammation of the superficial skin, often associated with a personal or family history related problems such as hay fever, allergic conjunctivitis (?allergy eyes?) and asthma. Doctors and patients often loosely refer to this condition as ?eczema?.


The exact cause is unknown. It is felt that the interaction of many factors that cause atopic dermatitis. Recent studies have shown that patients with atopic dermatitis may have a (genetic) defect inherited skin barrier. This makes the skin dry and this is part of the natural protection from infection and substances that can cause allergic reactions or irritation. Patients will also appear in general are prone to develop inflammation. People who suffer from atopic dermatitis tend to have high levels of antibodies called IgE.

Atopic dermatitis is becoming much more common, a trend seen in many other allergic diseases.

Food allergies may be associated with atopic dermatitis in infants and children, but there is no evidence of any role of food allergy in adolescents and adults. Your doctor or dermatologist to examine your child?s food allergies common with a simple blood test (Fx5) or using a skin prick test. It is shown only if there is a poor response to treatment or clear history of food-related flares.

A typical sensitivity among atopic dermatitis patients to house dust mites. This can be assessed by using a skin prick test. But it is very difficult to avoid this allergen.

Among the things that may cause flares of atopic dermatitis include: the growth of staphylococcus on the skin, the skin barrier damage, exposure to allergens, exposure to irritants (eg rough clothing such as wool, soap) and fatigue.

Symptoms and signs

AD pattern tends to change one?s getting old.

The condition may start in the first few months of life with red, weeping, crusting lesions on the face, scalp, and limbs.

In older children or adults may be more localized and chronic.

Skin redness and thickening most commonly found in the folds of the elbows and knees, eyelids, neck and wrists. The rash may be more common in other parts of the body.

Itching continues to feature. Itching leads to constant rubbing and scratching, causing itching again. Itching is exacerbated by the drying usually observed in these patients.

Secondary bacterial infection and swollen glands are common.

Because people with atopic dermatitis tend to use drugs, over-the-counter or prescribed, contact dermatitis often complicate this condition. There are many substances that can irritate the skin and aggravate the condition.

Emotional stress, changes in temperature or humidity, bacterial infections of the skin and wool can also aggravate the condition.


Diagnosis is usually clinical ? which means that the doctor will examine your skin and ask questions to make the diagnosis. It is based on lesion location, how long they were there and if there is a family history of allergic disease. In some cases, doctors are not sure if a diagnosis, he / she may be a bit of skin for examination under a microscope (biopsy). Your doctor may in some cases recommended patch test, skin prick tests or blood tests for specific allergens. In most cases it is not necessary.


There are some general steps:

Avoid overheating (turn the air conditioning down etc..).

Avoid irritants such as soaps, bubble bath, etc..

Avoid using harsh, irritating fabrics such as wool directly on the skin.

Avoid activities or jobs that can damage the skin such as sports that involve long periods in water (this can damage the skin barrier function).

Keep showers short and not too hot.

Immediately after bathing (in minutes), pat (do not rub) skin dry and apply moisturizer appropriate (soft).

There are plenty of emollients on the market. Often used examples of the UAE and CMG. Your pharmacist will prepare it for you. Do not use fragranced Body Lotion!

Avoid topical (applied to the skin as a cream / ointment) antibiotics and antiseptics (promoting bacterial resistance).

Fingernails should be kept short to minimize damage when scratched.

Specific treatment:

This Corticosteroid creams or ointments applied to the skin is the most effective drug. A creamy white color and disappear when applied to the skin (for crying lesions), while the greasy ointment and leave an oily film on the skin (best for dry lesions). Long-term use of high potency corticosteroid creams should be avoided, especially in children. Should be used with extreme caution in the face and skin folds corticosteroids. It may not be effective corticosteroid creams often use. This can be avoided by alternating its use with a simple moisturizer for a week or more. The main side effects of topical corticosteroids thinning (atrophy) of the skin, which can ruin the appearance.

A relatively new group of local drug released in the market, namely calcineurin inhibitors. Are pimecrolimus and tacrolimus is available TO. There are several security issues in the United States with about medicine, but Dermatologist most comfortable using them. They may be a safer alternative in cases of atopic dermatitis eyelid, because there are concerns about the use of corticosteroid cream close to the eye.

Children may need a sedative antihistamine at bedtime when the worst itch.

If home treatment is not effective, the person may be hospitalized.

Secondary bacterial infections are treated with antibiotics (this is quite common due to scratches AD).

Herpes simplex infection (the virus that causes cold sores) can sometimes cause serious illness with a high temperature, so that people with atopic dermatitis have to be very careful about exposure to herpes simplex.

Oral corticosteroids are used as a last resort.

Older adults can benefit from psoralen with ultraviolet light intensity. (Psoralen is photosensitising drug, ie, making you more sensitive to sunlight.)

In severe cases do not respond to conventional treatment, drugs such as cyclosporine, azathioprine and methotrexate, mycophenolate mofetil may be used. It is very rarely necessary, and their effects seriously. It is better to follow the general advice strictly and applying creams and ointments enthusiastic.

The course of atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic disease. This means that it is usually during the life of the patient. The majority of patients (approximately 60%) that grew AD, but they are not, the pain flares and calming down cycle. These are the patients to maintain a good condition of the skin by moisturizing and keeping the other practical suggestions given above, and by providing rapid treatment of any condition flares. In this way, not very often intense flares.

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